My name is Marcus Hampton and I was born and raised in Buffalo N.Y. Through my years growing up I played football and boxed and of course always had a passion for dogs. I started Schutzhund in the year 2000 when I met my mentor and good friend Owen Tober at the Schutzhund club of Buffalo where I was a member and did helper work but now have my own working dog group. When I am not busy doing helper work and training with my own Schutzhund group, I am spending time training my own dogs.
I am a National level helper , and since 2000 I have done many club trials and many big events doing Sch and IPO I, IPO II and IPO III (IGP) dogs as well as a police DPO trial and helper seminars.
2009 Mid Eastern Regionals : Sch II and back half Sch III’s
2009 USA GSD Nationals : back half Sch III’s
2010 Working Dog Championship: pre-selected (injured reserve)
2010 Mid Eastern Regionals: Sch II and back half Sch III’s
2011 AWDF Championship : front half Sch III’s
2011 Working Dog Championship : front half Sch III’s
2011 World Qualifier : Back half Sch III’s
2011 Mid Eastern Regionals : back half IPO III’s
2011 AWMA Nationals: Back half IPO III’s
2011 USCA GSD Nationals: back half IPO III’s
2013 AWDF Championship: back half IPO III’s
2013 USCA GSD Nationals : front half IPO III’s
2014 World Qualifier: front half IPO III’s
2014 AWDF Championship: back half IPO III’s
2014 Working Dog Championship : front half IPO III’s
2014 USCA GSD Nationals : pre-selected
2014 AWMA Nationals : front half IPO III’s
2015 AWDF Championship : IPO II’s
2015 AWMA Nationals: front half IPO III’s
2016 Mid Eastern Regionals : back half IPO III's
2016 AWMA Nationals: back half IPO III's
2016 Podium Schutzhund Club club trial: IPO I's, II's and III's
2017 AWDF Championship : back half IPO III's
2017 AWMA Nationals: front half IPO III's
2017 Podium Schutzhund Club trial IPO I's, II's and III's
2018 AWDF Championship : back half IPO III's
2018 World Qualifier
2018 AWMA Nationals: back half IPO III's
2018 DVG Nationals: back half IPO III's
2019 GSDCA Nationals
2019 AWDF Championship IPO III's Front Half
2019 World Qualifier Front Half
2019 Dutch Shepherd World Championship: IGP III's
2019 Dutch Shepherd Nationals: Back Half IGP III's
2019 DVG Nationals: Back Half IGP III's
2019 AWMA preselected
2020 AWMA Northeast Regional: Back Half IGP III's
2020 DVG Nationals: Back Half IGP III 's
2020 AWMA FMBB Qualifier: Back Half IGP III' s
2021 AWDF Championship: Back Half IGP III's
2021 Dutch Shepherd Nationals: IGP I's and Back Half IGP III's
2021 AWMA Nationals : Front Half IGP III's
2021 DVG Nationals: Back Half IGP III's
2022 GSDCA NAtionals : Front half IGP III's
2022 DVG Nationals: Back Half IGP III's
2023 AWDF National: Back Half IGP III' s
2023 Podium Schutzhund Club Trial : IGP II' s & III's
2023 DVG Nationals : Back Half IGP III' s
2024 AWDF Championship: Back Half IGP III's
2024 DVG Nationals: Back HalfIGP III's
My name is Derrike Lacross and I’m honored to be selected as a Helper for the 2025 AWDF Championship. Working dogs is a passion and I’m proud to say I have worked a WUSV World Champion Dog on his path to that trial. Nationals, and Quali trial. I hope to have the same story for a future FCI World Champion! Best of luck to all competitors, God Bless !
Ted Hartman (chair)
Phil Hoelcher
John Soares
Jani Turkia
Pat Driscoll
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